be_util Class Reference

#include <be_util.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static void prep_be_arg (char *s)
 Special BE arg call factored out of DRV_args.
static void arg_post_proc (void)
 Checks made after parsing args.
static void usage (void)
 Display usage of BE-specific options.
static AST_Generator * generator_init (void)
 Create an AST node generator.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 24 of file be_util.h.

Member Function Documentation

void be_util::arg_post_proc ( void   )  [static]

Checks made after parsing args.

Definition at line 64 of file be_util.cpp.

00065 {
00066 }

AST_Generator * be_util::generator_init ( void   )  [static]

Create an AST node generator.

Definition at line 99 of file be_util.cpp.

00100 {
00101   AST_Generator* gen = 0;
00102   ACE_NEW_RETURN(gen, AST_Generator, 0);
00103   return gen;
00104 }

void be_util::prep_be_arg ( char *  s  )  [static]

Special BE arg call factored out of DRV_args.

Definition at line 24 of file be_util.cpp.

References be_global, BE_GlobalData::export_include(), BE_GlobalData::export_macro(), BE_GlobalData::java(), BE_GlobalData::java_arg(), BE_GlobalData::pch_include(), BE_GlobalData::tao_inc_pre_, and BE_GlobalData::v8().

00025 {
00026   static const char WB_EXPORT_MACRO[] = "export_macro=";
00027   static const size_t SZ_WB_EXPORT_MACRO = sizeof(WB_EXPORT_MACRO) - 1;
00028   static const char WB_EXPORT_INCLUDE[] = "export_include=";
00029   static const size_t SZ_WB_EXPORT_INCLUDE = sizeof(WB_EXPORT_INCLUDE) - 1;
00030   static const char WB_PCH_INCLUDE[] = "pch_include=";
00031   static const size_t SZ_WB_PCH_INCLUDE = sizeof(WB_PCH_INCLUDE) - 1;
00032   static const char WB_JAVA[] = "java";
00033   static const size_t SZ_WB_JAVA = sizeof(WB_JAVA) - 1;
00034   static const char WB_TAO_INC_PRE[] = "tao_include_prefix=";
00035   static const size_t SZ_WB_TAO_INC_PRE = sizeof(WB_TAO_INC_PRE) - 1;
00036   static const char WB_V8[] = "v8";
00037   static const size_t SZ_WB_V8 = sizeof(WB_V8) - 1;
00039   if (0 == ACE_OS::strncasecmp(arg, WB_EXPORT_MACRO, SZ_WB_EXPORT_MACRO)) {
00040     be_global->export_macro(arg + SZ_WB_EXPORT_MACRO);
00042   } else if (0 == ACE_OS::strncasecmp(arg, WB_EXPORT_INCLUDE,
00043                                       SZ_WB_EXPORT_INCLUDE)) {
00044     be_global->export_include(arg + SZ_WB_EXPORT_INCLUDE);
00046   } else if (0 == ACE_OS::strncasecmp(arg, WB_PCH_INCLUDE, SZ_WB_PCH_INCLUDE)) {
00047     be_global->pch_include(arg + SZ_WB_PCH_INCLUDE);
00049   } else if (0 == ACE_OS::strncasecmp(arg, WB_JAVA, SZ_WB_JAVA)) {
00050     be_global->java(true);
00051     if (ACE_OS::strlen(arg + SZ_WB_JAVA)) {
00052       be_global->java_arg(arg + SZ_WB_JAVA + 1 /* = */);
00053     }
00055   } else if (0 == ACE_OS::strncasecmp(arg, WB_TAO_INC_PRE, SZ_WB_TAO_INC_PRE)) {
00056     be_global->tao_inc_pre_ = arg + SZ_WB_TAO_INC_PRE;
00058   } else if (0 == ACE_OS::strncasecmp(arg, WB_V8, SZ_WB_V8)) {
00059     be_global->v8(true);
00060   }
00061 }

void be_util::usage ( void   )  [static]

Display usage of BE-specific options.

Definition at line 69 of file be_util.cpp.

00070 {
00072     ACE_TEXT(" -o <dir>\t\tsets output directory for all files\n")
00073     ACE_TEXT(" -Lface\t\t\tgenerate FACE IDL to C++ mapping\n")
00074     ACE_TEXT(" -Lspcpp\t\t\tgenerate Safety Profile IDL to C++ mapping\n")
00075     ACE_TEXT(" -SI\t\t\tsuppress generation of *TypeSupport.idl\n")
00076     ACE_TEXT(" -Sa\t\t\tsuppress IDL any (ignored, for tao_idl compatibility)\n")
00077     ACE_TEXT(" -St\t\t\tsuppress IDL typecode when -L* option is present\n")
00078     ACE_TEXT(" -Gws\t\t\tgenerate wireshark sample dissector configuration\n")
00079     ACE_TEXT(" -Gitl\t\t\tgenerate ITL\n")
00080     ACE_TEXT(" -GfaceTS\t\tgenerate FACE TS API for DCPS data types\n")
00081     ACE_TEXT(" -Wb,export_macro=<macro name>\t\tsets export macro ")
00082     ACE_TEXT("for all files\n")
00083     ACE_TEXT(" -Wb,export_include=<include path>\tsets export include ")
00084     ACE_TEXT("file for all files\n")
00085     ACE_TEXT(" -Wb,pch_include=<include path>\t\tsets include ")
00086     ACE_TEXT("file for precompiled header mechanism\n")
00087     ACE_TEXT(" -Wb,java[=<output_file>]\t\tenables Java support ")
00088     ACE_TEXT("for TypeSupport files.  Do not specify an 'output_file' ")
00089     ACE_TEXT("except for special cases.\n")
00090     ACE_TEXT(" -Wb,tao_include_prefix=<path>\t\tPrefix for including the TAO-")
00091     ACE_TEXT("generated header file.\n")
00092     ACE_TEXT(" -Wb,v8\t\t\tgenerate TypeSupport for converting data samples ")
00093     ACE_TEXT("to v8 JavaScript objects\n")
00094     ACE_TEXT(" -ZC <include>\t\t\tadd <include> to *TypeSupportImpl.cpp\n")
00095   ));
00096 }

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