Daily Build Log


Tue Nov 23 07:37:49 2021 UTC

/Volumes/builds/tao_builds/jenkins/workspace/notests_oci_tao-2_2_0_maggot_macosx_clang_d1o0/ACE/bin/clean_sems.sh: line 22: ngvipc: command not found


print OS Version

Tue Nov 23 07:37:49 2021 UTC



OS version (uname -a)

Darwin maggot.ociweb.com 19.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Mon Apr 12 20:57:45 PDT 2021; root:xnu-6153.141.28.1~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

Disk space information (df -k)

Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity iused ifree %iused Mounted on
/dev/disk2s1 976557744 29555596 932058696 4% 866727 9764710713 0% /System/Volumes/Data
/dev/disk0s2 975922976 30416832 945506144 4% 488047 4294479232 0% /Volumes/builds

Approximate BogoMIPS (larger means faster)


print Environment Variables

Tue Nov 23 07:37:49 2021 UTC


NODE_LABELS=macosx maggot
SSH_CLIENT= 57670 22


Tue Nov 23 07:37:49 2021 UTC

XML Config file: /var/folders/_1/3mmrf1g5519404ygsjc7bzsw0009r_/T/Ed8qNrqSSu.xml
================ Autobuild ChangeLog ================
================ MPC ChangeLog ================
Tue Jan 7 01:55:14 UTC 2020 Chad Elliott <elliottc@objectcomputing.com>
================ ACE OCIChangeLog ================
Mon Nov 22 21:32:41 UTC 2021 Adam Mitz <mitza@objectcomputing.com>
================ TAO OCIChangeLog ================
Mon Nov 22 21:32:41 UTC 2021 Adam Mitz <mitza@objectcomputing.com>
================ config.h ================
#include "ace/config-macosx.h"
================ platform_macros.GNU ================

include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/platform_macosx.GNU

print make Version

Tue Nov 23 07:37:49 2021 UTC

Make version (make -v)

GNU Make 3.81
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A

This program built for i386-apple-darwin11.3.0

check compiler clang

Tue Nov 23 07:37:49 2021 UTC

================ Compiler version ================
Apple clang version 11.0.3 (clang-1103.0.32.62)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin
@(#)PROGRAM:ld PROJECT:ld64-556.6
BUILD 18:54:40 Jun 2 2020
configured to support archs: armv6 armv7 armv7s arm64 arm64e arm64_32 i386 x86_64 x86_64h armv6m armv7k armv7m armv7em
LTO support using: LLVM version 11.0.3, (clang-1103.0.32.62) (static support for 26, runtime is 26)
TAPI support using: Apple TAPI version 11.0.0 (tapi-1100.0.11)


Generate Workspaces

Tue Nov 23 07:37:50 2021 UTC

Running: perl "/Volumes/builds/tao_builds/jenkins/workspace/notests_oci_tao-2_2_0_maggot_macosx_clang_d1o0/ACE/bin/mwc.pl" -type gnuace TAO/TAO_ACE.mwc TAO/tests/Hello
MPC_ROOT was set to /Volumes/builds/tao_builds/jenkins/workspace/mpc_maggot.
Using .../notests_oci_tao-2_2_0_maggot_macosx_clang_d1o0/ACE/bin/MakeProjectCreator/config/MPC.cfg
CIAO_ROOT was used in the configuration file, but was not defined.
DANCE_ROOT was used in the configuration file, but was not defined.
Generating 'gnuace' output using TAO/TAO_ACE.mwc
Skipping ACE_XML_Utils (XML.mpc); it requires xerces.
Skipping ace_svcconf_gen (svcconfgen.mpc); it requires ace_svcconf_gen.
Skipping SSL_FOR_TAO (ssl_for_tao.mpc); it requires ace_for_tao.
Skipping ACE_Qt5Reactor_moc (ace_qt5reactor.mpc); it requires qt5.
Skipping ACE_Qt5Reactor (ace_qt5reactor.mpc); it requires qt5.
Skipping ACE_Qt4Reactor_moc (ace_qt4reactor.mpc); it requires qt4.
Skipping ACE_Qt4Reactor (ace_qt4reactor.mpc); it requires qt4.
Skipping QoS (qos.mpc); it requires qos.
Skipping ACE_FoxReactor (ace_foxreactor.mpc); it requires fox.
Skipping ACE_FOR_TAO (ace_for_tao.mpc); it requires ace_for_tao.
Skipping TAO_QtResource (QtResource.mpc); it requires dummy_label.
Skipping TAO_FoxResource (FoxResource.mpc); it requires fox.
Skipping ZlibCompressor (ZlibCompressor.mpc); it requires zlib.
Skipping LzoCompressor (LzoCompressor.mpc); it requires lzo1.
Skipping Bzip2Compressor (Bzip2Compressor.mpc); it requires bzip2.
Skipping TAO_IDL_GEN (tao_idl_fe.mpc); it requires tao_idl_fe_gen.
Skipping wxNamingViewer (wxNamingViewer.mpc); it requires wxWindows.
Skipping NamingViewer (NamingViewer.mpc); it requires mfc.
Generation Time: 1m 38s
Generating 'gnuace' output using default input
Generation Time: 0s
Total Time: 1m 38s



Tue Nov 23 07:39:28 2021 UTC

Pattern: *akefile
Running: make -f GNUmakefile -s -k depend
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for PI_include.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ORBInitInfo.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ORBInitializer.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ClientRequestInterceptor.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ClientRequestInfo.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for RequestInfo.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for PIForwardRequest.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for PICurrent.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ProcessingModePolicy.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Interceptor.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for InvalidSlot.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for IOP_Codec.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for IOP_Codec_include.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for AnySeq.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Dynamic_Parameter.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ValueModifier.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Visibility.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Dynamic.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Bounds.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CodeSetContext.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for GIOP.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CONV_FRAME.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Current.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for IIOP.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for IIOP_Endpoints.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for IOP.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Messaging_PolicyValue.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Messaging_SyncScope.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ObjectIdList.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for orb_types.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Policy_Manager.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Policy_Current.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for PI_Forward.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for PortableInterceptor.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Services.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for TAO.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for TimeBase.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Policy_Forward.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ParameterMode.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for BooleanSeq.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CharSeq.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for DoubleSeq.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for FloatSeq.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for LongDoubleSeq.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for LongLongSeq.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for LongSeq.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for OctetSeq.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ShortSeq.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for StringSeq.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ULongLongSeq.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ULongSeq.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for UShortSeq.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for WCharSeq.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for WStringSeq.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Int8Seq.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for UInt8Seq.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Policy.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ForwardRequest.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for AdapterActivator.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for IdAssignmentPolicy.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for IdUniquenessPolicy.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ImplicitActivationPolicy.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for LifespanPolicy.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for RequestProcessingPolicy.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ServantActivator.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ServantLocator.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ServantManager.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ServantRetentionPolicy.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ThreadPolicy.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for POAManager.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for POAManagerFactory.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for POA.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for PS_Current.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for PortableServer_include.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for PortableServer.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CosNaming.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for TimeBase.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for RtecBase.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CosConcurrencyControl.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for IORTable.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for IFR_Base.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for IFR_Basic.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for IFR_Components.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for IFR_Extended.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ExceptionHolder.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Pollable.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Messaging_Types.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for TAO_Ext.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Messaging_RT_Policy.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Messaging_SyncScope_Policy.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Messaging_No_Impl.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Messaging.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for StringValue.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CosTypedEventComm.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CosTypedEventChannelAdmin.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CosEventComm.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CosEventChannelAdmin.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for RtecScheduler.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for BiDirPolicy.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for RtecDefaultEventData.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for RtecEventComm.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for RtecEventChannelAdmin.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for RtecUDPAdmin.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for IOR.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for miop.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for PortableGroup_Simple_DS.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for PortableGroup.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for FT_CORBA_ORB.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ServerRequestInfo.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for PI_Server_include.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for FTRT.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for FtRtecEventComm.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for FTRT_GroupManager.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for FtRtecEventChannelAdmin.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CosNotification.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CosNotifyComm.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CosNotifyFilter.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CosNotifyFilterExt.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CosNotifyChannelAdmin.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for NotifyExt.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Event_Forwarder.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for FT_CORBA.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for FT_Replica.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for FT_Notifier.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for FT_FaultDetectorFactory.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for FT_ReplicationManager.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for uiop_endpoints.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for sciop_endpoints.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for COIOP_Endpoints.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ServerObject.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ImplRepo.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for IORInterceptor.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for IORInfo.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ObjectReferenceTemplate.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ObjectReferenceTemplate_include.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Default_ORT.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CosLoadBalancing.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for LB_ORT.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for FT_NamingManager.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for FT_NamingReplication.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for DynamicAny.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for TypeCodeFactory.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ../../tao/ImR_Client/ServerObject.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ../../tao/ImR_Client/ImplRepo.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ImR_Activator.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ImR_Locator.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Async_IORTable.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CosTrading.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CosTradingRepos.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CosTradingDynamic.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CosLifeCycle.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for LifeCycleService.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for DsLogAdmin.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for DsLogNotification.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for DsEventLogAdmin.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for DsNotifyLogAdmin.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for RTEventLogAdmin.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for TimeService.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CosProperty.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for AVStreams.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Null_MediaCtrl.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for sfp.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Monitor_include.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Monitor.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Monitor_Types.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Notify/MonitorControl/NotificationServiceMC.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Notify/MonitorControlExt/NotifyMonitoringExt.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for HTIOP.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for HTIOP/htiop_endpoints.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for RTPortableServer.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for RTPortableServer_include.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for RTCORBA_include.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for RTCORBA.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CSI.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CSIIOP.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for GSSUP.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Security.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for SecurityLevel1.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for SecurityLevel2.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for SecurityLevel3.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for SSLIOP.idl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for SSLIOP/ssl_endpoints.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for CSD_Framework.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Compression.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Compression_include.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for DiffServPolicy.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for EndpointPolicy.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for IIOPEndpointValue.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for EndpointPolicyType.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for RTScheduler.pidl.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for RTScheduler_include.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for TC.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for TC_IIOP.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for ZIOP.pidl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.


Tue Nov 23 07:41:25 2021 UTC

Pattern: *akefile


Tue Nov 23 07:41:25 2021 UTC

Pattern: *akefile
Running: make -f GNUmakefile -s -k depend
GNUmakefile dependencies unchanged.
GNUmakefile idl dependencies unchanged for Test.idl.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.
GNUmakefile dependencies updated.


Tue Nov 23 07:41:26 2021 UTC

Pattern: *akefile
Running: make -f GNUmakefile -s -k










ACE_FlReactor will not be built due to the following disabled make macros: x11 gl fl



SSL will not be built due to the following disabled make macros: ssl


ACE_TkReactor will not be built due to the following disabled make macros: tk


ACE_XtReactor will not be built due to the following disabled make macros: x11 xt





INet_SSL will not be built due to the following disabled make macros: ssl




In file included from Group.cpp:24:
./TransactionController.hpp:346:21: warning: expression with side effects will be evaluated despite being used as an operand to 'typeid' [-Wpotentially-evaluated-expression]
if (typeid (*m) == typeid (Send))
Group.cpp:176:54: warning: expression with side effects will be evaluated despite being used as an operand to 'typeid' [-Wpotentially-evaluated-expression]
std::type_info const* exp = &typeid (*m);
Group.cpp:386:48: warning: expression with side effects will be evaluated despite being used as an operand to 'typeid' [-Wpotentially-evaluated-expression]
std::type_info const* exp = &typeid (*m);
Group.cpp:428:48: warning: expression with side effects will be evaluated despite being used as an operand to 'typeid' [-Wpotentially-evaluated-expression]
std::type_info const* exp = &typeid (*m);
4 warnings generated.




































GPERF: Automatically changing to -S1 switch option
GPERF: Automatically changing to -S1 switch option
GPERF: Automatically changing to -S1 switch option
























PortableGroup/PG_Group_List_Store.cpp:78:7: warning: '~PG_Group_List_Store_File_Guard' has a non-throwing exception specification but can still throw [-Wexceptions]
PortableGroup/PG_Group_List_Store.cpp:73:38: note: destructor has a implicit non-throwing exception specification
TAO::PG_Group_List_Store_File_Guard::~PG_Group_List_Store_File_Guard ()
1 warning generated.















EventChannelFactory_i.cpp:108:55: warning: format string is not a string literal (potentially insecure) [-Wformat-security]
options.setenv(ACE_TEXT("EventChannelFactoryAddr"), buf);
EventChannelFactory_i.cpp:108:55: note: treat the string as an argument to avoid this
options.setenv(ACE_TEXT("EventChannelFactoryAddr"), buf);
EventChannelFactory_i.cpp:129:24: warning: format string is not a string literal (potentially insecure) [-Wformat-security]
EventChannelFactory_i.cpp:129:24: note: treat the string as an argument to avoid this
2 warnings generated.












Naming/Naming_Server.cpp:235:28: warning: format specifies type 'long long *' but the argument has type 'ptrdiff_t *' (aka 'long *') [-Wformat]
1 warning generated.




Naming/FaultTolerant/FT_Naming_Server.cpp:498:28: warning: format specifies type 'long long *' but the argument has type 'ptrdiff_t *' (aka 'long *') [-Wformat]
1 warning generated.






















ImR_Activator_i.cpp:477:50: warning: format string is not a string literal (potentially insecure) [-Wformat-security]
proc_opts.command_line (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR(cmdline));
/Volumes/builds/tao_builds/jenkins/workspace/notests_oci_tao-2_2_0_maggot_macosx_clang_d1o0/ACE/ace/ace_wchar.h:105:41: note: expanded from macro 'ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR'
ImR_Activator_i.cpp:477:50: note: treat the string as an argument to avoid this
proc_opts.command_line (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR(cmdline));
/Volumes/builds/tao_builds/jenkins/workspace/notests_oci_tao-2_2_0_maggot_macosx_clang_d1o0/ACE/ace/ace_wchar.h:105:41: note: expanded from macro 'ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR'
ImR_Activator_i.cpp:504:49: warning: format string is not a string literal (potentially insecure) [-Wformat-security]
ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (ior.in ()));
/Volumes/builds/tao_builds/jenkins/workspace/notests_oci_tao-2_2_0_maggot_macosx_clang_d1o0/ACE/ace/ace_wchar.h:105:41: note: expanded from macro 'ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR'
ImR_Activator_i.cpp:504:49: note: treat the string as an argument to avoid this
ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (ior.in ()));
/Volumes/builds/tao_builds/jenkins/workspace/notests_oci_tao-2_2_0_maggot_macosx_clang_d1o0/ACE/ace/ace_wchar.h:105:41: note: expanded from macro 'ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR'
ImR_Activator_i.cpp:510:49: warning: format string is not a string literal (potentially insecure) [-Wformat-security]
ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (env[i].value.in ()));
/Volumes/builds/tao_builds/jenkins/workspace/notests_oci_tao-2_2_0_maggot_macosx_clang_d1o0/ACE/ace/ace_wchar.h:105:41: note: expanded from macro 'ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR'
ImR_Activator_i.cpp:510:49: note: treat the string as an argument to avoid this
ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (env[i].value.in ()));
/Volumes/builds/tao_builds/jenkins/workspace/notests_oci_tao-2_2_0_maggot_macosx_clang_d1o0/ACE/ace/ace_wchar.h:105:41: note: expanded from macro 'ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR'
3 warnings generated.








GPERF: Automatically changing to -S1 switch option































NT_Naming_Service will not be built due to the following disabled make macros: winnt



NT_Notify_Service will not be built due to the following disabled make macros: winnt































SSLIOP will not be built due to the following disabled make macros: ssl













TAO_FlResource will not be built due to the following disabled make macros: x11 gl fl ace_flreactor





TAO_TkResource will not be built due to the following disabled make macros: tk ace_tkreactor






TAO_XtResource will not be built due to the following disabled make macros: x11 xt ace_xtreactor













Tue Nov 23 08:29:12 2021 UTC

Pattern: *akefile


Tue Nov 23 08:29:12 2021 UTC

Pattern: *akefile
Running: make -f GNUmakefile -s -k





Tue Nov 23 08:29:19 2021 UTC