Todo List

Member OpenDDS::DCPS::DataDurabilityCache::get_data (DDS::DomainId_t domain_id, char const *topic_name, char const *type_name, DataWriterImpl *data_writer, ACE_Allocator *mb_allocator, ACE_Allocator *db_allocator, DDS::LifespanQosPolicy const &)
Is this going to cause problems for users that set a finite DDS::ResourceLimitsQosPolicy::max_instances value when OpenDDS supports that value?

Member OpenDDS::DCPS::DataDurabilityCache::get_data (DDS::DomainId_t domain_id, char const *topic_name, char const *type_name, DataWriterImpl *data_writer, ACE_Allocator *mb_allocator, ACE_Allocator *db_allocator, DDS::LifespanQosPolicy const &)
If we don't empty the queue, we'll end up with duplicate data since the data retrieved from the cache will be reinserted.

Member OpenDDS::DCPS::DataReaderImpl::subscription_lost_status_
The subscription_lost_status_ and subscription_reconnecting_status_ are left here for future use when we add get_subscription_lost_status() and get_subscription_reconnecting_status() methods.

Member OpenDDS::DCPS::DataWriterImpl::mb_allocator_
The publication_lost_status_ and publication_reconnecting_status_ are left here for future use when we add get_publication_lost_status() and get_publication_reconnecting_status() methods.

Member OpenDDS::DCPS::ReplayerImpl::mb_allocator_
The publication_lost_status_ and publication_reconnecting_status_ are left here for future use when we add get_publication_lost_status() and get_publication_reconnecting_status() methods.

Member OpenDDS::DCPS::WriteDataContainer::get_handle_instance (DDS::InstanceHandle_t handle)
remove/document this!

Member OpenDDS::DCPS::resend_data_expired (DataSampleElement const &element, DDS::LifespanQosPolicy const &lifespan)
Refactor this code and DataReaderImpl::data_expired() to a common function.

Generated on Fri Feb 12 20:05:53 2016 for OpenDDS by  doxygen 1.4.7