Daily Build Log
Thu Mar 13 22:44:25 2025 UTC
print OS Version
Thu Mar 13 22:44:25 2025 UTC
Microsoft Version
OS Name: Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Datacenter
OS Version: 10.0.20348 N/A Build 20348
OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
OS Configuration: Standalone Server
OS Build Type: Multiprocessor Free
Processor info
Processor(s): 1 Processor(s) Installed.
[01]: AMD64 Family 25 Model 1 Stepping 1 AuthenticAMD ~2445 Mhz
Memory info
Total Physical Memory: 16,384 MB
Virtual Memory: Max Size: 19,328 MB
Virtual Memory: Available: 16,811 MB
Virtual Memory: In Use: 2,517 MB
Network info
Network Card(s): 1 NIC(s) Installed.
[01]: Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter
Connection Name: Ethernet
DHCP Enabled: Yes
DHCP Server:
IP address(es)
[02]: fe80::847d:bdcf:5ebc:7525
Approximate BogoMIPS (larger means faster)
Thu Mar 13 22:44:27 2025 UTC
XML Config file: C:/OpenDDS/test_w22_x86_i0_sec_autobuild_workspace/config.xml
================ Autobuild ChangeLog ================
================ config.h ================
#define TAO_HAS_UIOP 0
#include "ace/config-win32.h"
================ default.features ================
================ ACE VERSION ================
This is ACE version 6.5.21, released Thu May 16 12:00:35 CEST 2024
================ TAO VERSION ================
This is TAO version 2.5.21, released Thu May 16 12:00:35 CEST 2024
================ DDS VERSION ================
This is OpenDDS version 3.32.0-dev (NOT A RELEASE)
CMake Version ("cmake" --version)
Thu Mar 13 22:44:27 2025 UTC
cmake version 3.31.6
CMake suite maintained and supported by Kitware (kitware.com/cmake).
print make Version
Thu Mar 13 22:44:27 2025 UTC
Make version (make -v)
GNU Make 4.2.1
Built for x86_64-w64-mingw32
Copyright (C) 1988-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
check compiler msvc
Thu Mar 13 22:44:28 2025 UTC
================ Compiler version ================
Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.43.34808 for x64
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
usage: cl [ option... ] filename... [ /link linkoption... ]
print perl version
Thu Mar 13 22:44:28 2025 UTC
perl version (perl -V)
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 32 subversion 1) configuration:
uname='Win32 strawberry-perl #1 Sun Jan 24 15:00:15 2021 x64'
optimize='-s -O2'
ivtype='long long'
Off_t='long long'
Linker and Libraries:
ldflags ='-s -L"C:\STRAWB~1\perl\lib\CORE" -L"C:\STRAWB~1\c\lib"'
libpth=C:\STRAWB~1\c\lib C:\STRAWB~1\c\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib C:\STRAWB~1\c\lib\gcc\x86_64-w64-mingw32\8.3.0
libs= -lmoldname -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lwinspool -lcomdlg32 -ladvapi32 -lshell32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -lnetapi32 -luuid -lws2_32 -lmpr -lwinmm -lversion -lodbc32 -lodbccp32 -lcomctl32
perllibs= -lmoldname -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lwinspool -lcomdlg32 -ladvapi32 -lshell32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -lnetapi32 -luuid -lws2_32 -lmpr -lwinmm -lversion -lodbc32 -lodbccp32 -lcomctl32
Dynamic Linking:
ccdlflags=' '
cccdlflags=' '
lddlflags='-mdll -s -L"C:\STRAWB~1\perl\lib\CORE" -L"C:\STRAWB~1\c\lib"'
Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
Compile-time options:
Built under MSWin32
Compiled at Jan 24 2021 15:05:42
Thu Mar 13 22:44:28 2025 UTC
================ Autobuild file C:/OpenDDS/test_w22_x86_i0_sec_autobuild_workspace/config.xml ================
<variable name="log_file" value="output"/>
<variable name="log_root" value="C:/OpenDDS/test_w22_x86_i0_sec_autobuild_workspace/logs"/>
<variable name="project_root" value="C:/OpenDDS"/>
<variable name="root" value="C:/OpenDDS/test_w22_x86_i0_sec_autobuild_workspace"/>
<variable name="junit_xml_output" value="Tests"/>
<command name="log" options="on"/>
<command name="print_os_version"/>
<command name="print_ace_config"/>
<command name="print_cmake_version"/>
<command name="print_make_version"/>
<command name="check_compiler" options="msvc"/>
<command name="print_perl_version"/>
<command name="print_autobuild_config"/>
<command name="auto_run_tests" options="script_path=tests dir=C:/OpenDDS -Config DCPS_MIN"/>
<command name="log" options="off"/>
<command name="process_logs" options="move prettify index"/>
Thu Mar 13 22:44:28 2025 UTC
Running: perl tests/auto_run_tests.pl -Config DCPS_MIN in C:/OpenDDS
Test Lists: C:\OpenDDS/tests/dcps_tests.lst
auto_run_tests_finished: tools/scripts/modules/tests/ChangeDir.pl Time:0s Result:0
.\.\\main.EXE -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile AddressLookup.log -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
AddressLookup PID: 4428 started at 2025-03-13 22:44:28
========= Attempt 0....
DEBUG: address_info: There are 3 interfaces
DEBUG: address_info: Considering interface 0
DEBUG: address_info: Found IP interface
DEBUG: address_info: IP address maps to hostname fv-az653-316
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: Resolving IP addresses from hostname fv-az653-316
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: addr size is 16, curr addrinfo size is 32, curr->ai_addrlen is 16, curr->ai_addr size is 16, curr family is 2
DEBUG: print_addr: ==== IP address:
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: addr size is 16, curr addrinfo size is 32, curr->ai_addrlen is 16, curr->ai_addr size is 16, curr family is 2
DEBUG: print_addr: ==== IP address:
DEBUG: address_info: Considering interface 1
DEBUG: address_info: Found IP interface
DEBUG: address_info: IP address maps to hostname fv-az653-316
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: Resolving IP addresses from hostname fv-az653-316
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: addr size is 16, curr addrinfo size is 32, curr->ai_addrlen is 16, curr->ai_addr size is 16, curr family is 2
DEBUG: print_addr: ==== IP address:
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: addr size is 16, curr addrinfo size is 32, curr->ai_addrlen is 16, curr->ai_addr size is 16, curr family is 2
DEBUG: print_addr: ==== IP address:
DEBUG: address_info: Considering interface 2
DEBUG: address_info: Found IP interface
DEBUG: address_info: IP address maps to hostname fv-az653-316.nxjcjlpip0jelm5h5wo3zvqkif.dx.internal.cloudapp.net
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: Resolving IP addresses from hostname fv-az653-316.nxjcjlpip0jelm5h5wo3zvqkif.dx.internal.cloudapp.net
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: addr size is 16, curr addrinfo size is 32, curr->ai_addrlen is 16, curr->ai_addr size is 16, curr family is 2
DEBUG: print_addr: ==== IP address:
========= Attempt 1....
DEBUG: address_info: There are 3 interfaces
DEBUG: address_info: Considering interface 0
DEBUG: address_info: Found IP interface
DEBUG: address_info: IP address maps to hostname fv-az653-316
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: Resolving IP addresses from hostname fv-az653-316
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: addr size is 16, curr addrinfo size is 32, curr->ai_addrlen is 16, curr->ai_addr size is 16, curr family is 2
DEBUG: print_addr: ==== IP address:
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: addr size is 16, curr addrinfo size is 32, curr->ai_addrlen is 16, curr->ai_addr size is 16, curr family is 2
DEBUG: print_addr: ==== IP address:
DEBUG: address_info: Considering interface 1
DEBUG: address_info: Found IP interface
DEBUG: address_info: IP address maps to hostname fv-az653-316
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: Resolving IP addresses from hostname fv-az653-316
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: addr size is 16, curr addrinfo size is 32, curr->ai_addrlen is 16, curr->ai_addr size is 16, curr family is 2
DEBUG: print_addr: ==== IP address:
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: addr size is 16, curr addrinfo size is 32, curr->ai_addrlen is 16, curr->ai_addr size is 16, curr family is 2
DEBUG: print_addr: ==== IP address:
DEBUG: address_info: Considering interface 2
DEBUG: address_info: Found IP interface
DEBUG: address_info: IP address maps to hostname fv-az653-316.nxjcjlpip0jelm5h5wo3zvqkif.dx.internal.cloudapp.net
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: Resolving IP addresses from hostname fv-az653-316.nxjcjlpip0jelm5h5wo3zvqkif.dx.internal.cloudapp.net
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: addr size is 16, curr addrinfo size is 32, curr->ai_addrlen is 16, curr->ai_addr size is 16, curr family is 2
DEBUG: print_addr: ==== IP address:
========= Attempt 2....
DEBUG: address_info: There are 3 interfaces
DEBUG: address_info: Considering interface 0
DEBUG: address_info: Found IP interface
DEBUG: address_info: IP address maps to hostname fv-az653-316
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: Resolving IP addresses from hostname fv-az653-316
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: addr size is 16, curr addrinfo size is 32, curr->ai_addrlen is 16, curr->ai_addr size is 16, curr family is 2
DEBUG: print_addr: ==== IP address:
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: addr size is 16, curr addrinfo size is 32, curr->ai_addrlen is 16, curr->ai_addr size is 16, curr family is 2
DEBUG: print_addr: ==== IP address:
DEBUG: address_info: Considering interface 1
DEBUG: address_info: Found IP interface
DEBUG: address_info: IP address maps to hostname fv-az653-316
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: Resolving IP addresses from hostname fv-az653-316
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: addr size is 16, curr addrinfo size is 32, curr->ai_addrlen is 16, curr->ai_addr size is 16, curr family is 2
DEBUG: print_addr: ==== IP address:
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: addr size is 16, curr addrinfo size is 32, curr->ai_addrlen is 16, curr->ai_addr size is 16, curr family is 2
DEBUG: print_addr: ==== IP address:
DEBUG: address_info: Considering interface 2
DEBUG: address_info: Found IP interface
DEBUG: address_info: IP address maps to hostname fv-az653-316.nxjcjlpip0jelm5h5wo3zvqkif.dx.internal.cloudapp.net
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: Resolving IP addresses from hostname fv-az653-316.nxjcjlpip0jelm5h5wo3zvqkif.dx.internal.cloudapp.net
DEBUG: hostname_to_ip: addr size is 16, curr addrinfo size is 32, curr->ai_addrlen is 16, curr->ai_addr size is 16, curr family is 2
DEBUG: print_addr: ==== IP address:
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/AddressLookup/run_test.pl Time:26s Result:0
C:\OpenDDS\bin\.\\DCPSInfoRepo.EXE -NOBITS -o dcps_ir.ior
.\.\\pubsub.EXE -k file://dcps_ir.ior -q
pubsub test
2nd topic assertion CREATED a topic
adding matching subscription
TAO_DDS_DCPSDataWriter_i::add_associations () :
Writer 01030000.0000042d.00000001.00000102(e38e0cee) Adding association to a reader:
reader id - 01030000.0000042d.00000002.00000107(d44482b1)
transport_id - fake transport for test
TAO_DDS_DCPSDataReader_i::add_associations () :
Reader 01030000.0000042d.00000002.00000107(d44482b1) Adding association to writer:
writer id - 01030000.0000042d.00000001.00000102(e38e0cee)
transport_id - fake transport for test
adding incompatible publication
!!! TAO_DDS_DCPSDataReader_i::update_incompatible_qos () :
2 new incompatible DataWriters 2 total
Last incompatible QOS policy was 23
Policy - 11 count - 1
Policy - 23 count - 1
!!! TAO_DDS_DCPSDataWriter_i::update_incompatible_qos () :
2 new incompatible DataReaders 2 total
Last incompatible QOS policy was 23
Policy - 11 count - 1
Policy - 23 count - 1
TAO_DDS_DCPSDataWriter_i::remove_associations () :
Removing association to 1 readers:
Association - 0
RepoId - 01030000.0000042d.00000002.00000107(d44482b1)
INFO: C:\OpenDDS/bin/DCPSInfoRepo being killed.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/DCPSInfoRepo/run_test.pl Time:2s Result:0
C:\OpenDDS\bin\.\\DCPSInfoRepo.EXE -o repo.ior -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
InfoRepo PID: 6920
.\.\\MockedTypeSupport.EXE -ORBLogFile test.log -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
ut PID: 6184 started at 2025-03-13 22:44:57
INFO: C:\OpenDDS\bin\DCPSInfoRepo being killed.
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/MockedTypeSupport/run_test.pl Time:33s Result:0
C:\OpenDDS\bin\.\\DCPSInfoRepo.EXE -o repo.ior -NOBITS
.\.\\FooTest3_publisher.EXE -DCPSBit 0 -DCPSInfoRepo file://repo.ior -d 10 -t 0 -DCPSChunks 20 -f sub_ready.txt
.\.\\FooTest3_subscriber.EXE -DCPSInfoRepo file://repo.ior -DCPSBit 0 -n 2 -x 1 -a 0 -d 10 -i 0 -q 0-f sub_ready.txt
(1108|1712) SubDriver::run, Wait for publisher.
C:\OpenDDS\tests\DCPS\FooTest3_0\DataReaderListener.cpp:106: INFO: on_subscription_matched()
C:\OpenDDS\tests\DCPS\FooTest3_0\DataReaderListener.cpp:106: INFO: on_subscription_matched()
(7008|6040) PubDriver::run, pub_id=01030000.000046e7.00000002.00000302.
(7008|6040) PubDriver::run, Wait for subscriber start.
C:\OpenDDS\tests\DCPS\FooTest3_0\DataReaderListener.cpp:106: INFO: on_subscription_matched()
C:\OpenDDS\tests\DCPS\FooTest3_0\DataReaderListener.cpp:99: INFO: on_liveliness_changed()
SampleInfo.valid_data = 1
SampleInfo.sample_rank = 0
SampleInfo.instance_state = ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
C:\OpenDDS\tests\DCPS\FooTest3_0\DataReaderListener.cpp:58: INFO: Foo sample 1 processed
SampleInfo.valid_data = 1
SampleInfo.sample_rank = 0
SampleInfo.instance_state = ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
C:\OpenDDS\tests\DCPS\FooTest3_0\DataReaderListener.cpp:58: INFO: Foo sample 2 processed
C:\OpenDDS\tests\DCPS\FooTest3_0\DataReaderListener.cpp:99: INFO: on_liveliness_changed()
C:\OpenDDS\tests\DCPS\FooTest3_0\DataReaderListener.cpp:106: INFO: on_subscription_matched()
INFO: C:\OpenDDS/bin/DCPSInfoRepo being killed.
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/FooTest3_0/run_test.pl Time:15s Result:0
C:\OpenDDS\bin\.\\DCPSInfoRepo.EXE -o repo.ior -NOBITS
InfoRepo PID: 2136
.\.\\FooTest3_publisher.EXE -t 1 -w 1 -m 0 -i 100 -n 12345678 -d 100 -l 0 -r 0 -b 0 -DCPSBit 0
publisher PID: 6052 started at 2025-03-13 22:45:45
.\.\\FooTest3_subscriber.EXE -n 100 -l 100 -DCPSBit 0
subscriber PID: 6448 started at 2025-03-13 22:45:45
(6052|3996) Writer::start
(6052|5832) Writer::svc
C:\OpenDDS\tests\DCPS\FooTest3_2\DataReaderListener.cpp:105: INFO: on_subscription_matched()
C:\OpenDDS\tests\DCPS\FooTest3_2\DataReaderListener.cpp:98: INFO: on_liveliness_changed()
C:\OpenDDS\tests\DCPS\FooTest3_2\DataReaderListener.cpp:98: INFO: on_liveliness_changed()
C:\OpenDDS\tests\DCPS\FooTest3_2\DataReaderListener.cpp:105: INFO: on_subscription_matched()
(6052|3996) PubDriver::end
(6052|3996) Writer::end
INFO: C:\OpenDDS\bin\DCPSInfoRepo being killed.
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/FooTest3_2/run_test.pl Time:16s Result:0
.\.\\findtopic.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
findtopic PID: 4408 started at 2025-03-13 22:46:00
C:\OpenDDS\tests\DCPS\FindTopic\findtopic.cpp:144 main() using Local Discovery
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/FindTopic/run_test.pl Time:0s Result:0
tests/DCPS/FindTopic/run_test.pl rtps
.\.\\findtopic.EXE rtps -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
findtopic PID: 4264 started at 2025-03-13 22:46:00
C:\OpenDDS\tests\DCPS\FindTopic\findtopic.cpp:141 main() using RTPS Discovery
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/FindTopic/run_test.pl rtps Time:0s Result:0
tests/DCPS/InconsistentTopic/run_test.pl rtps_disc
.\.\\pubsub.EXE -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile pubsub.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
pubsub PID: 5132 started at 2025-03-13 22:46:00
Waiting for participant 2 to discover topic from participant 1
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/InconsistentTopic/run_test.pl rtps_disc Time:1s Result:0
.\.\\tpreuse.EXE -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile tpreuse.log -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
tpreuse PID: 5672 started at 2025-03-13 22:46:02
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/TopicReuse/run_test.pl Time:1s Result:0
.\.\\dpshutdown.EXE -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile dpshutdown.log -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
dpshutdown PID: 2608 started at 2025-03-13 22:46:02
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/DpShutdown/run_test.pl Time:0s Result:0
.\.\\containsentity.EXE -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile containsentity.log -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
containsentity PID: 2516 started at 2025-03-13 22:46:02
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/ContainsEntity/run_test.pl Time:1s Result:0
.\.\\TypeObjectTest.EXE -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile test.log -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
test PID: 4964 started at 2025-03-13 22:46:03
[==========] Running 2 tests from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 2 tests from TypeMapTest
[ RUN ] TypeMapTest.Minimal
[ OK ] TypeMapTest.Minimal (9 ms)
[ RUN ] TypeMapTest.Complete
[ OK ] TypeMapTest.Complete (1 ms)
[----------] 2 tests from TypeMapTest (11 ms total)
[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 2 tests from 1 test case ran. (12 ms total)
[ PASSED ] 2 tests.
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/Compiler/typeobject_generator/run_test.pl Time:0s Result:0
.\.\\FooTest4.EXE -r 1 -t 0 -m 0 -i 10
(4356|4052) Writer::start
(4356|4052) Reader::start
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905991 442355000
instance_handle: b
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905991 442355000
instance_handle: b
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905991 442355000
instance_handle: b
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905991 442355000
instance_handle: b
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905991 442355000
instance_handle: b
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905991 442355000
instance_handle: b
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905991 442355000
instance_handle: b
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905991 442355000
instance_handle: b
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905991 442355000
instance_handle: b
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905991 442355000
instance_handle: b
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
(4356|4052) Writer::start
(4356|4052) Reader::start1
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905992 458190000
instance_handle: d
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905992 458190000
instance_handle: d
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 8
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905992 458190000
instance_handle: d
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 7
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905992 458190000
instance_handle: d
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 6
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905992 458190000
instance_handle: d
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 5
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905992 458190000
instance_handle: d
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 4
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905992 458190000
instance_handle: d
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 3
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905992 458190000
instance_handle: d
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 2
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905992 458190000
instance_handle: d
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 1
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905992 458190000
instance_handle: d
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
(4356|4052) Writer::start
(4356|4052) Reader::start2
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905993 474357000
instance_handle: f
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 9
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905993 474357000
instance_handle: f
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 8
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905993 474357000
instance_handle: f
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 7
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905993 474357000
instance_handle: f
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 6
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905993 474357000
instance_handle: f
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 5
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905993 474357000
instance_handle: f
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 4
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905993 474357000
instance_handle: f
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 3
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905993 474357000
instance_handle: f
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 2
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905993 474357000
instance_handle: f
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 1
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741905993 474357000
instance_handle: f
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
"writing" foo.x = 0.000000 foo.y = 0.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 1.000000 foo.y = 1.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 2.000000 foo.y = 2.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 3.000000 foo.y = 3.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 4.000000 foo.y = 4.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 5.000000 foo.y = 5.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 6.000000 foo.y = 6.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 7.000000 foo.y = 7.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 8.000000 foo.y = 8.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 9.000000 foo.y = 9.000000, foo.key = 101010
read foo.x = 0.000000 foo.y = 0.000000, foo.key = 101010
read foo.x = 1.000000 foo.y = 1.000000, foo.key = 101010
read foo.x = 2.000000 foo.y = 2.000000, foo.key = 101010
read foo.x = 3.000000 foo.y = 3.000000, foo.key = 101010
read foo.x = 4.000000 foo.y = 4.000000, foo.key = 101010
read foo.x = 5.000000 foo.y = 5.000000, foo.key = 101010
read foo.x = 6.000000 foo.y = 6.000000, foo.key = 101010
read foo.x = 7.000000 foo.y = 7.000000, foo.key = 101010
read foo.x = 8.000000 foo.y = 8.000000, foo.key = 101010
read foo.x = 9.000000 foo.y = 9.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 0.000000 foo.y = 0.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 1.000000 foo.y = 1.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 2.000000 foo.y = 2.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 3.000000 foo.y = 3.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 4.000000 foo.y = 4.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 5.000000 foo.y = 5.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 6.000000 foo.y = 6.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 7.000000 foo.y = 7.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 8.000000 foo.y = 8.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 9.000000 foo.y = 9.000000, foo.key = 101010
read_instance foo.x = 0.000000 foo.y = 0.000000, foo.key = 101010
get_key_value: handle = 13 foo.x = 0.000000 foo.y = 0.000000, foo.key = 101010
read_instance foo.x = 1.000000 foo.y = 1.000000, foo.key = 101010
read_instance foo.x = 2.000000 foo.y = 2.000000, foo.key = 101010
read_instance foo.x = 3.000000 foo.y = 3.000000, foo.key = 101010
read_instance foo.x = 4.000000 foo.y = 4.000000, foo.key = 101010
read_instance foo.x = 5.000000 foo.y = 5.000000, foo.key = 101010
read_instance foo.x = 6.000000 foo.y = 6.000000, foo.key = 101010
read_instance foo.x = 7.000000 foo.y = 7.000000, foo.key = 101010
read_instance foo.x = 8.000000 foo.y = 8.000000, foo.key = 101010
read_instance foo.x = 9.000000 foo.y = 9.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 0.000000 foo.y = 0.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 1.000000 foo.y = 1.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 2.000000 foo.y = 2.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 3.000000 foo.y = 3.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 4.000000 foo.y = 4.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 5.000000 foo.y = 5.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 6.000000 foo.y = 6.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 7.000000 foo.y = 7.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 8.000000 foo.y = 8.000000, foo.key = 101010
"writing" foo.x = 9.000000 foo.y = 9.000000, foo.key = 101010
foo[0]: x = 0.000000 y = 0.000000, key = 101010
foo[1]: x = 1.000000 y = 1.000000, key = 101010
foo[2]: x = 2.000000 y = 2.000000, key = 101010
foo[3]: x = 3.000000 y = 3.000000, key = 101010
foo[4]: x = 4.000000 y = 4.000000, key = 101010
foo[5]: x = 5.000000 y = 5.000000, key = 101010
foo[6]: x = 6.000000 y = 6.000000, key = 101010
foo[7]: x = 7.000000 y = 7.000000, key = 101010
foo[8]: x = 8.000000 y = 8.000000, key = 101010
foo[9]: x = 9.000000 y = 9.000000, key = 101010
INFO: C:\OpenDDS/bin/DCPSInfoRepo being killed.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/FooTest4/run_test.pl Time:32s Result:0
C:\OpenDDS\bin\.\\DCPSInfoRepo.EXE -o repo.ior -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
InfoRepo PID: 1132
.\.\\FooTest4_0.EXE -DCPSLivelinessFactor 300 -z -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
ft40 PID: 5444 started at 2025-03-13 22:46:35
(5444|7120) DataReaderListenerImpl::DataReaderListenerImpl
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_subscription_matched
(5444|7120) Writer::test1
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_liveliness_changed
(5444|7120) Reader::read
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available
(5444|7120) get_datareaders returned 1 reader(s)
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741906033 487999000
instance_handle: d
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
(5444|7120) Writer::test2
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available
(5444|7120) Reader::read
(5444|7120) get_datareaders returned 1 reader(s)
sample_state: READ_SAMPLE_STATE
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741906033 487999000
instance_handle: d
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 1
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741906034 551366000
instance_handle: d
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741906034 551366000
instance_handle: f
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741906034 551366000
instance_handle: 11
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
(5444|7120) Writer::test3
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available
(5444|7120) Reader::read
(5444|7120) get_datareaders returned 1 reader(s)
sample_state: READ_SAMPLE_STATE
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741906033 487999000
instance_handle: d
disposed_generation_count: 2
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 5
generation_rank: 2
absolute_generation_rank: 2
sample_state: READ_SAMPLE_STATE
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741906034 551366000
instance_handle: d
disposed_generation_count: 2
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 4
generation_rank: 2
absolute_generation_rank: 2
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741906036 583304000
instance_handle: d
disposed_generation_count: 2
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 2
generation_rank: 1
absolute_generation_rank: 1
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741906036 583304000
instance_handle: d
disposed_generation_count: 2
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
sample_state: READ_SAMPLE_STATE
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741906034 551366000
instance_handle: f
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 2
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741906036 583304000
instance_handle: f
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 1
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
sample_state: READ_SAMPLE_STATE
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741906034 551366000
instance_handle: 11
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available
(5444|2164) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_liveliness_changed
(5444|2164) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_subscription_matched
(5444|7120) DataReaderListenerImpl::~DataReaderListenerImpl
(5444|7120) DataReaderListenerImpl::DataReaderListenerImpl
(5444|7120) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_subscription_matched
(5444|7120) Writer::test4
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_liveliness_changed
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available
(5444|7120) Reader::read
(5444|7120) get_datareaders returned 1 reader(s)
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741906051 620700000
instance_handle: 15
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
(5444|5264) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available
(5444|5264) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_liveliness_changed
(5444|7120) Reader::read
(5444|7120) get_datareaders returned 1 reader(s)
sample_state: READ_SAMPLE_STATE
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741906051 620700000
instance_handle: 15
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 1
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
(5444|7120) Writer::test5
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_liveliness_changed
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available
(5444|7120) Reader::read
(5444|7120) get_datareaders returned 1 reader(s)
sample_state: READ_SAMPLE_STATE
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741906051 620700000
instance_handle: 15
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 1
sample_rank: 2
generation_rank: 1
absolute_generation_rank: 1
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741906072 651111000
instance_handle: 15
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 1
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
(5444|7120) Writer::test6
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available
(5444|7120) Reader::read
(5444|7120) get_datareaders returned 1 reader(s)
sample_state: READ_SAMPLE_STATE
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741906051 620700000
instance_handle: 15
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 1
sample_rank: 3
generation_rank: 1
absolute_generation_rank: 1
sample_state: READ_SAMPLE_STATE
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741906072 651111000
instance_handle: 15
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 1
sample_rank: 1
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
view_state: NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741906074 677357000
instance_handle: 15
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 1
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available
(5444|2164) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_liveliness_changed
(5444|2164) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_subscription_matched
(5444|7120) DataReaderListenerImpl::~DataReaderListenerImpl
(5444|7120) DataReaderListenerImpl::DataReaderListenerImpl
(5444|7120) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_subscription_matched
(5444|7120) Writer::test5
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_liveliness_changed
(5444|7120) Writer::test6
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_sample_rejected
(5444|7120) Reader::read
(5444|7120) get_datareaders returned 1 reader(s)
view_state: NEW_VIEW_STATE
instance_state: ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE
source_timestamp: 1741906085 733653000
instance_handle: 19
disposed_generation_count: 0
no_writers_generation_count: 0
sample_rank: 0
generation_rank: 0
absolute_generation_rank: 0
(5444|1560) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available
(5444|2164) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_liveliness_changed
(5444|2164) DataReaderListenerImpl::on_subscription_matched
(5444|7120) DataReaderListenerImpl::~DataReaderListenerImpl
registering foo.key = 1
writing A foo.x = 1.000000 foo.y = -1.000000, foo.key = 1
registering foo.key = 2
foo[0] - A : x = 1.000000 y = -1.000000, key = 1
writing X foo.x = 2.000000 foo.y = -1.000000, foo.key = 2
writing B foo.x = 2.000000 foo.y = -2.000000, foo.key = 1
registering foo.key = 3
writing Q foo.x = 2.000000 foo.y = -3.000000, foo.key = 3
foo[0] - A : x = 1.000000 y = -1.000000, key = 1
foo[1] - B : x = 2.000000 y = -2.000000, key = 1
foo[2] - X : x = 2.000000 y = -1.000000, key = 2
foo[3] - Q : x = 2.000000 y = -3.000000, key = 3
disposing foo.key = 1
writing C foo.x = 3.000000 foo.y = -1.000000, foo.key = 1
disposing foo.key = 1
writing D foo.x = 3.000000 foo.y = -2.000000, foo.key = 1
writing Y foo.x = 3.000000 foo.y = -4.000000, foo.key = 2
disposing foo.key = 2
foo[0] - A : x = 1.000000 y = -1.000000, key = 1
foo[1] - B : x = 2.000000 y = -2.000000, key = 1
got SampleInfo[2] dispose sample key = 1
foo[3] - C : x = 3.000000 y = -1.000000, key = 1
got SampleInfo[4] dispose sample key = 1
foo[5] - D : x = 3.000000 y = -2.000000, key = 1
foo[6] - X : x = 2.000000 y = -1.000000, key = 2
foo[7] - Y : x = 3.000000 y = -4.000000, key = 2
got SampleInfo[8] dispose sample key = 2
foo[9] - Q : x = 2.000000 y = -3.000000, key = 3
writing c foo.x = 4.000000 foo.y = -1.000000, foo.key = 1
foo[0] - c : x = 4.000000 y = -1.000000, key = 1
foo[0] - c : x = 4.000000 y = -1.000000, key = 1
got SampleInfo[1] dispose sample key = 1
writing d foo.x = 5.000000 foo.y = -1.000000, foo.key = 1
foo[0] - c : x = 4.000000 y = -1.000000, key = 1
got SampleInfo[1] dispose sample key = 1
foo[2] - d : x = 5.000000 y = -1.000000, key = 1
writing e foo.x = 6.000000 foo.y = -1.000000, foo.key = 1
foo[0] - c : x = 4.000000 y = -1.000000, key = 1
got SampleInfo[1] dispose sample key = 1
foo[2] - d : x = 5.000000 y = -1.000000, key = 1
foo[3] - e : x = 6.000000 y = -1.000000, key = 1
writing d foo.x = 5.000000 foo.y = -1.000000, foo.key = 1
writing e foo.x = 6.000000 foo.y = -1.000000, foo.key = 1
foo[0] - d : x = 5.000000 y = -1.000000, key = 1
INFO: C:\OpenDDS\bin\DCPSInfoRepo being killed.
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/FooTest4_0/run_test.pl Time:91s Result:0
C:\OpenDDS\bin\.\\DCPSInfoRepo.EXE -o repo.ior -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
InfoRepo PID: 1508
.\.\\main.EXE -DCPSConfigFile all.ini -r 1 -t 0 -m 0 -i 3 -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
main PID: 5876 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:07
(5876|3864) FooTest5_0 main
read foo.x = 7.000000 foo.y = -1.000000, foo.key = 10101
read SampleInfo.sample_rank = 0
(5876|3864) Test ready, cleaning up.
INFO: C:\OpenDDS\bin\DCPSInfoRepo being killed.
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/FooTest5_0/run_test.pl Time:34s Result:0
.\.\\RestartTest.EXE -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile rt.log -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
rt PID: 864 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:40
Application 1 Starting
Application 1 retrieved domain participant factory
Application 1 created domain participant
Application 1 Started
Application 2 Starting
Application 2 retrieved domain participant factory
Application 2 created domain participant
Application 2 Started
Application 2 Ending
Application 2 did delete contained_entities
Application 2 did delete domain participant
Application 2 Ended
Application 3 Starting
Application 3 retrieved domain participant factory
Application 3 created domain participant
Application 3 Started
Application 3 Ending
Application 3 did delete contained_entities
Application 3 did delete domain participant
Application 3 Ended
Application 1 Ending
Application 1 did delete contained_entities
Application 1 did delete domain participant
Application 1 shutdown service participant
Application 1 Ended
Application 4 Starting
Application 4 retrieved domain participant factory
Application 4 created domain participant
Application 4 Started
Application 4 Ending
Application 4 did delete contained_entities
Application 4 did delete domain participant
Application 4 shutdown service participant
Application 4 Ended
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/Restart/run_test.pl Time:1s Result:0
tests/DCPS/EntityLifecycleStress/run_test.pl publishers 10 subscribers 10
C:\OpenDDS\bin\.\\DCPSInfoRepo.EXE -o repo.ior -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
InfoRepo PID: 2420
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_1.log
pub_1 PID: 5632 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:41
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_1.log
sub_1 PID: 2136 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:41
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_2.log
pub_2 PID: 1924 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:41
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_2.log
sub_2 PID: 2648 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:41
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_3.log
pub_3 PID: 3020 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:41
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_3.log
sub_3 PID: 4408 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:41
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_4.log
pub_4 PID: 4460 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:41
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_4.log
sub_4 PID: 740 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:41
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_5.log
pub_5 PID: 5148 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:41
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_5.log
sub_5 PID: 5836 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:41
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_6.log
pub_6 PID: 4380 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:41
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_6.log
sub_6 PID: 4300 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:41
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_7.log
pub_7 PID: 2216 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:41
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_7.log
sub_7 PID: 5704 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:41
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_8.log
pub_8 PID: 6840 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:41
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_8.log
sub_8 PID: 6060 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:41
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_9.log
pub_9 PID: 4980 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:41
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_9.log
sub_9 PID: 2928 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:41
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_10.log
pub_10 PID: 3364 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:41
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_10.log
sub_10 PID: 6424 started at 2025-03-13 22:48:41
Subscriber 2136 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 1
Subscriber 2136 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 2136 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 1
Subscriber 5704 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 10
Subscriber 5704 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 13
Subscriber 5704 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 4300 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 16
Subscriber 4300 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 4300 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 13
Subscriber 2648 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 15
Subscriber 2648 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 740 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 20
Subscriber 740 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3364
- Count : 7
Subscriber 6060 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 17
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 9
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 21
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 10
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4980
- Count : 3
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3364
- Count : 8
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 18
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 1
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 11
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4380
- Count : 5
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4980
- Count : 4
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 2
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 12
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 22
Subscriber 4408 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 22
Subscriber 4408 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 19
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3364
- Count : 9
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 3
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 13
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4980
- Count : 5
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4380
- Count : 6
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 4
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 14
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 5
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 15
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 23
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4980
- Count : 6
Subscriber 5836 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 15
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3364
- Count : 10
Subscriber 5836 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 20
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4380
- Count : 7
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 16
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 6
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 7
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 17
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 24
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 21
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4980
- Count : 7
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3364
- Count : 11
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4380
- Count : 8
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 18
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 8
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 25
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3364
- Count : 12
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 22
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4380
- Count : 9
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4980
- Count : 8
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3020
- Count : 1
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3364
- Count : 13
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 19
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 9
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 26
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4380
- Count : 10
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 23
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 10
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 20
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3020
- Count : 2
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 6840
- Count : 1
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4980
- Count : 9
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 27
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3364
- Count : 14
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 27
Subscriber 2928 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 21
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 11
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3020
- Count : 3
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 6840
- Count : 2
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 3364
- Count : 14
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 21
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4380
- Count : 11
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 24
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 24
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 4380
- Count : 11
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 22
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 3020
- Count : 4
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 12
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 6840
- Count : 3
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3020
- Count : 4
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 22
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 6840
- Count : 3
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 12
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 28
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3364
- Count : 15
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 28
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 3364
- Count : 15
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4980
- Count : 10
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 4980
- Count : 10
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3020
- Count : 5
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 3020
- Count : 5
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 23
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 23
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 13
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 13
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 6840
- Count : 4
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 6840
- Count : 4
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 25
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 25
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 29
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 29
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4380
- Count : 12
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 4380
- Count : 12
Subscriber 6424 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 29
Subscriber 6424 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 25
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 24
Subscriber 6424 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 24
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 24
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 14
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 14
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 3020
- Count : 6
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3020
- Count : 6
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 6840
- Count : 5
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 6840
- Count : 5
Subscriber 6424 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4980
- Count : 11
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 4980
- Count : 11
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3364
- Count : 16
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 3364
- Count : 16
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 15
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 15
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 25
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 25
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3020
- Count : 7
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 3020
- Count : 7
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 6840
- Count : 6
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 6840
- Count : 6
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4380
- Count : 13
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 4380
- Count : 13
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 30
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 30
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 26
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 26
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 16
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 26
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 26
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3020
- Count : 8
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 16
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 3020
- Count : 8
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 6840
- Count : 7
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 6840
- Count : 7
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4980
- Count : 12
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 4980
- Count : 12
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3364
- Count : 17
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 3364
- Count : 17
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 17
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 17
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 27
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 27
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 3020
- Count : 9
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3020
- Count : 9
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 6840
- Count : 8
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 6840
- Count : 8
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 5148
- Count : 1
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 5148
- Count : 1
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 31
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 31
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 27
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 27
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4380
- Count : 14
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 4380
- Count : 14
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 5148
- Count : 2
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 28
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 28
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 18
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 18
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 3020
- Count : 10
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3020
- Count : 10
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 5148
- Count : 2
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3364
- Count : 18
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 3364
- Count : 18
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 6840
- Count : 9
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 6840
- Count : 9
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4980
- Count : 13
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 32
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 32
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 4980
- Count : 13
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 28
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 28
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 5148
- Count : 3
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 5148
- Count : 3
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 29
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 29
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 19
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 19
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 3020
- Count : 11
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3020
- Count : 11
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 6840
- Count : 10
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 6840
- Count : 10
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 3364
- Count : 19
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 3364
- Count : 19
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 4380
- Count : 15
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 4380
- Count : 15
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 5148
- Count : 4
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 3020
- Count : 12
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 30
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 20
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 6840
- Count : 11
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 5148
- Count : 4
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 5632
- Count : 33
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 1924
- Count : 29
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 4980
- Count : 14
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 4460
- Count : 21
Subscriber 2928 got new message data:
- From : 2216
- Count : 31
Publisher 2216 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 5632 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 1924 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 4460 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 3364 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 4380 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 3020 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 4980 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 6840 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 5148 is done. Exiting.
INFO: C:\OpenDDS\bin\DCPSInfoRepo being killed.
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/EntityLifecycleStress/run_test.pl publishers 10 subscribers 10 Time:40s Result:0
tests/DCPS/EntityLifecycleStress/run_test.pl rtps publishers 10 subscribers 10
C:\OpenDDS\bin\.\\DCPSInfoRepo.EXE -o repo.ior -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
InfoRepo PID: 4388
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_1.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
pub_1 PID: 6760 started at 2025-03-13 22:49:22
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_1.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
sub_1 PID: 1468 started at 2025-03-13 22:49:22
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_2.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
pub_2 PID: 3340 started at 2025-03-13 22:49:22
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_2.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
sub_2 PID: 2676 started at 2025-03-13 22:49:22
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_3.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
pub_3 PID: 6508 started at 2025-03-13 22:49:22
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_3.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
sub_3 PID: 2448 started at 2025-03-13 22:49:22
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_4.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
pub_4 PID: 6808 started at 2025-03-13 22:49:22
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_4.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
sub_4 PID: 2296 started at 2025-03-13 22:49:22
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_5.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
pub_5 PID: 6244 started at 2025-03-13 22:49:22
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_5.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
sub_5 PID: 580 started at 2025-03-13 22:49:22
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_6.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
pub_6 PID: 6336 started at 2025-03-13 22:49:22
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_6.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
sub_6 PID: 3184 started at 2025-03-13 22:49:22
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_7.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
pub_7 PID: 5708 started at 2025-03-13 22:49:22
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_7.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
sub_7 PID: 2264 started at 2025-03-13 22:49:22
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_8.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
pub_8 PID: 3084 started at 2025-03-13 22:49:22
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_8.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
sub_8 PID: 1628 started at 2025-03-13 22:49:22
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_9.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
pub_9 PID: 1224 started at 2025-03-13 22:49:22
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_9.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
sub_9 PID: 6932 started at 2025-03-13 22:49:22
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_10.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
pub_10 PID: 2112 started at 2025-03-13 22:49:22
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_10.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
sub_10 PID: 2756 started at 2025-03-13 22:49:22
Subscriber 1468 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 3
Subscriber 1468 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 3184 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 3
Subscriber 3184 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 1468 got new message data:
- From : 6760
- Count : 1
Subscriber 580 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 4
Subscriber 580 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 2676 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 38
Subscriber 2676 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 2676 got new message data:
- From : 6244
- Count : 1
Subscriber 2676 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 39
Subscriber 2756 got new message data:
- From : 6244
- Count : 1
Subscriber 2448 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 39
Subscriber 2756 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 39
Subscriber 2756 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 2448 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 2448 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 40
Subscriber 2676 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 40
Subscriber 2676 got new message data:
- From : 6760
- Count : 10
Subscriber 2448 got new message data:
- From : 6760
- Count : 10
Subscriber 2676 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 41
Subscriber 2676 got new message data:
- From : 3084
- Count : 1
Subscriber 2448 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 41
Subscriber 2296 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 41
Subscriber 2448 got new message data:
- From : 3084
- Count : 1
Subscriber 2296 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 2296 got new message data:
- From : 3084
- Count : 1
Subscriber 2676 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 42
Subscriber 2448 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 42
Subscriber 2676 got new message data:
- From : 3084
- Count : 2
Subscriber 2448 got new message data:
- From : 3084
- Count : 2
Subscriber 2676 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 43
Subscriber 2448 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 43
Subscriber 2676 got new message data:
- From : 6808
- Count : 1
Subscriber 2448 got new message data:
- From : 6808
- Count : 1
Subscriber 2676 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 44
Subscriber 2448 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 44
Subscriber 2676 got new message data:
- From : 6808
- Count : 2
Subscriber 2448 got new message data:
- From : 6808
- Count : 2
Subscriber 2448 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 45
Subscriber 2448 got new message data:
- From : 6808
- Count : 3
Subscriber 2448 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 46
Subscriber 2448 got new message data:
- From : 6808
- Count : 4
Subscriber 2448 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 47
Subscriber 2448 got new message data:
- From : 6808
- Count : 5
Subscriber 2448 got new message data:
- From : 6244
- Count : 2
Subscriber 6932 got new message data:
- From : 5708
- Count : 51
Subscriber 6932 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6932 got new message data:
- From : 6808
- Count : 9
Subscriber 1628 got new message data:
- From : 6508
- Count : 1
Subscriber 1628 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 2264 got new message data:
- From : 6508
- Count : 2
Subscriber 2264 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 2264 got new message data:
- From : 6336
- Count : 3
Publisher 5708 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 6760 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 6808 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 3084 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 6244 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 1224 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 6336 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 2112 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 3340 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 6508 is done. Exiting.
INFO: C:\OpenDDS\bin\DCPSInfoRepo being killed.
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/EntityLifecycleStress/run_test.pl rtps publishers 10 subscribers 10 Time:41s Result:0
tests/DCPS/EntityLifecycleStress/run_test.pl rtps_disc publishers 10 subscribers 10
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_1.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
pub_1 PID: 3092 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:03
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_1.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
sub_1 PID: 884 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:03
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_2.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
pub_2 PID: 4340 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:03
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_2.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
sub_2 PID: 2880 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:03
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_3.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
pub_3 PID: 1168 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:03
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_3.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
sub_3 PID: 6764 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:03
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_4.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
pub_4 PID: 1412 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:03
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_4.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
sub_4 PID: 5596 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:03
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_5.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
pub_5 PID: 2036 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:03
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_5.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
sub_5 PID: 2572 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:03
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_6.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
pub_6 PID: 6216 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:03
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_6.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
sub_6 PID: 7136 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:03
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_7.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
pub_7 PID: 1532 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:03
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_7.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
sub_7 PID: 6384 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:03
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_8.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
pub_8 PID: 4788 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:03
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_8.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
sub_8 PID: 5280 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:03
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_9.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
pub_9 PID: 1472 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:03
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_9.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
sub_9 PID: 2504 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:03
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_10.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
pub_10 PID: 6424 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:03
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_10.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
sub_10 PID: 2788 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:03
Subscriber 884 got new message data:
- From : 3092
- Count : 3
Subscriber 884 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6764 got new message data:
- From : 3092
- Count : 5
Subscriber 6764 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 2880 got new message data:
- From : 3092
- Count : 6
Subscriber 2880 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 7136 got new message data:
- From : 2036
- Count : 10
Subscriber 5596 got new message data:
- From : 2036
- Count : 10
Subscriber 7136 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 5596 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6384 got new message data:
- From : 1168
- Count : 8
Subscriber 2572 got new message data:
- From : 1168
- Count : 8
Subscriber 6384 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6384 got new message data:
- From : 4340
- Count : 10
Subscriber 2572 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 2572 got new message data:
- From : 4340
- Count : 10
Subscriber 5280 got new message data:
- From : 2036
- Count : 15
Subscriber 5280 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 5280 got new message data:
- From : 6216
- Count : 5
Subscriber 5280 got new message data:
- From : 1412
- Count : 17
Subscriber 2504 got new message data:
- From : 1168
- Count : 14
Subscriber 2504 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 2788 got new message data:
- From : 1412
- Count : 31
Subscriber 2788 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 2788 got new message data:
- From : 6216
- Count : 19
Publisher 1412 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 2036 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 3092 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 1168 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 4340 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 4788 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 6216 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 1472 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 1532 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 6424 is done. Exiting.
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/EntityLifecycleStress/run_test.pl rtps_disc publishers 10 subscribers 10 Time:16s Result:0
tests/DCPS/EntityLifecycleStress/run_test.pl rtps_disc_tcp publishers 10 subscribers 10
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_1.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
pub_1 PID: 5156 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:18
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_1.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
sub_1 PID: 3188 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:18
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_2.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
pub_2 PID: 1540 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:18
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_2.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
sub_2 PID: 892 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:18
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_3.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
pub_3 PID: 4492 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:18
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_3.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
sub_3 PID: 1848 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:18
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_4.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
pub_4 PID: 3848 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:18
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_4.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
sub_4 PID: 6388 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:18
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_5.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
pub_5 PID: 5792 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:18
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_5.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
sub_5 PID: 6720 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:18
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_6.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
pub_6 PID: 5728 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:18
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_6.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
sub_6 PID: 4796 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:18
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_7.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
pub_7 PID: 4584 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:18
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_7.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
sub_7 PID: 6024 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:18
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_8.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
pub_8 PID: 2948 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:18
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_8.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
sub_8 PID: 3460 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:18
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_9.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
pub_9 PID: 6612 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:18
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_9.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
sub_9 PID: 5876 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:18
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_10.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
pub_10 PID: 7024 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:18
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_10.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
sub_10 PID: 4396 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:18
Subscriber 3188 got new message data:
- From : 5156
- Count : 15
Subscriber 3188 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 892 got new message data:
- From : 1540
- Count : 29
Subscriber 892 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 1848 got new message data:
- From : 5156
- Count : 55
Subscriber 1848 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 1848 got new message data:
- From : 4492
- Count : 38
Subscriber 1848 got new message data:
- From : 1540
- Count : 37
Subscriber 6388 got new message data:
- From : 4492
- Count : 44
Subscriber 6388 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 4796 got new message data:
- From : 3848
- Count : 34
Subscriber 4796 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 3460 got new message data:
- From : 5156
- Count : 86
Subscriber 6024 got new message data:
- From : 5156
- Count : 86
Subscriber 6024 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 3460 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6720 got new message data:
- From : 3848
- Count : 57
Subscriber 6720 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6720 got new message data:
- From : 5728
- Count : 37
Subscriber 6720 got new message data:
- From : 5792
- Count : 38
Subscriber 4396 got new message data:
- From : 4492
- Count : 81
Subscriber 4396 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 5876 got new message data:
- From : 4492
- Count : 101
Subscriber 5876 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 5156 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 4492 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 1540 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 3848 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 5792 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 5728 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 2948 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 6612 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 4584 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 7024 is done. Exiting.
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/EntityLifecycleStress/run_test.pl rtps_disc_tcp publishers 10 subscribers 10 Time:28s Result:0
tests/DCPS/EntityLifecycleStress/run_test.pl large_samples publishers 10 subscribers 10
C:\OpenDDS\bin\.\\DCPSInfoRepo.EXE -o repo.ior -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
InfoRepo PID: 4020
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_1.log
pub_1 PID: 6744 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:46
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_1.log
sub_1 PID: 5956 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:46
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_2.log
pub_2 PID: 6312 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:46
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_2.log
sub_2 PID: 6996 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:46
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_3.log
pub_3 PID: 240 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:46
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_3.log
sub_3 PID: 4684 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:46
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_4.log
pub_4 PID: 6052 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:46
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_4.log
sub_4 PID: 2516 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:46
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_5.log
pub_5 PID: 1696 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:46
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_5.log
sub_5 PID: 6060 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:46
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_6.log
pub_6 PID: 4892 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:46
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_6.log
sub_6 PID: 5432 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:46
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_7.log
pub_7 PID: 3996 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:46
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_7.log
sub_7 PID: 4708 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:46
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_8.log
pub_8 PID: 4380 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:46
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_8.log
sub_8 PID: 4528 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:46
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_9.log
pub_9 PID: 5716 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:46
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_9.log
sub_9 PID: 2828 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:46
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_10.log
pub_10 PID: 4052 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:46
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_10.log
sub_10 PID: 956 started at 2025-03-13 22:50:46
Subscriber 2516 got new message data:
- From : 1696
- Count : 1
Subscriber 6996 got new message data:
- From : 1696
- Count : 1
Subscriber 6060 got new message data:
- From : 1696
- Count : 1
Subscriber 4528 got new message data:
- From : 1696
- Count : 1
Subscriber 2516 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6060 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 4528 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 2828 got new message data:
- From : 1696
- Count : 1
Subscriber 4684 got new message data:
- From : 1696
- Count : 1
Subscriber 4708 got new message data:
- From : 1696
- Count : 1
Subscriber 2828 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 4684 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 4708 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 956 got new message data:
- From : 1696
- Count : 1
Subscriber 956 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 5956 got new message data:
- From : 1696
- Count : 1
Subscriber 5956 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 5432 got new message data:
- From : 1696
- Count : 1
Subscriber 5432 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6996 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6996 got new message data:
- From : 6052
- Count : 1
Subscriber 6996 got new message data:
- From : 240
- Count : 1
Subscriber 6996 got new message data:
- From : 6744
- Count : 1
Publisher 6052 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 1696 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 6744 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 240 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 4892 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 4380 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 4052 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 5716 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 3996 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 6312 is done. Exiting.
INFO: C:\OpenDDS\bin\DCPSInfoRepo being killed.
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/EntityLifecycleStress/run_test.pl large_samples publishers 10 subscribers 10 Time:37s Result:0
tests/DCPS/EntityLifecycleStress/run_test.pl large_samples rtps publishers 10 subscribers 10
C:\OpenDDS\bin\.\\DCPSInfoRepo.EXE -o repo.ior -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
InfoRepo PID: 5692
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_1.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
pub_1 PID: 2088 started at 2025-03-13 22:51:23
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_1.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
sub_1 PID: 4396 started at 2025-03-13 22:51:23
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_2.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
pub_2 PID: 4700 started at 2025-03-13 22:51:23
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_2.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
sub_2 PID: 3444 started at 2025-03-13 22:51:23
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_3.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
pub_3 PID: 5576 started at 2025-03-13 22:51:23
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_3.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
sub_3 PID: 5612 started at 2025-03-13 22:51:23
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_4.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
pub_4 PID: 2008 started at 2025-03-13 22:51:23
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_4.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
sub_4 PID: 6796 started at 2025-03-13 22:51:23
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_5.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
pub_5 PID: 4972 started at 2025-03-13 22:51:23
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_5.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
sub_5 PID: 6760 started at 2025-03-13 22:51:23
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_6.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
pub_6 PID: 5180 started at 2025-03-13 22:51:23
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_6.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
sub_6 PID: 4260 started at 2025-03-13 22:51:23
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_7.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
pub_7 PID: 1852 started at 2025-03-13 22:51:23
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_7.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
sub_7 PID: 3488 started at 2025-03-13 22:51:23
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_8.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
pub_8 PID: 5220 started at 2025-03-13 22:51:23
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_8.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
sub_8 PID: 2760 started at 2025-03-13 22:51:23
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_9.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
pub_9 PID: 1032 started at 2025-03-13 22:51:23
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_9.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
sub_9 PID: 4860 started at 2025-03-13 22:51:23
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_10.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
pub_10 PID: 988 started at 2025-03-13 22:51:23
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_10.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
sub_10 PID: 6156 started at 2025-03-13 22:51:23
Subscriber 4260 got new message data:
- From : 5220
- Count : 1
Subscriber 4860 got new message data:
- From : 5220
- Count : 1
Subscriber 4396 got new message data:
- From : 5220
- Count : 1
Subscriber 6156 got new message data:
- From : 5220
- Count : 1
Subscriber 6796 got new message data:
- From : 5220
- Count : 1
Subscriber 3488 got new message data:
- From : 5220
- Count : 1
Subscriber 3444 got new message data:
- From : 5220
- Count : 1
Subscriber 2760 got new message data:
- From : 5220
- Count : 1
Subscriber 4260 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 4860 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 5612 got new message data:
- From : 5220
- Count : 1
Subscriber 4396 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6156 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6760 got new message data:
- From : 5220
- Count : 1
Subscriber 6796 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 3488 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 3444 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 2760 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 5612 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6760 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 5220 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 1032 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 5180 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 1852 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 988 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 4972 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 5576 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 4700 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 2088 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 2008 is done. Exiting.
INFO: C:\OpenDDS\bin\DCPSInfoRepo being killed.
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/EntityLifecycleStress/run_test.pl large_samples rtps publishers 10 subscribers 10 Time:37s Result:0
tests/DCPS/EntityLifecycleStress/run_test.pl large_samples rtps_disc publishers 10 subscribers 10
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_1.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
pub_1 PID: 3008 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:01
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_1.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
sub_1 PID: 2644 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:01
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_2.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
pub_2 PID: 1332 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:01
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_2.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
sub_2 PID: 5548 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:01
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_3.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
pub_3 PID: 4360 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:01
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_3.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
sub_3 PID: 2052 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:01
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_4.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
pub_4 PID: 2428 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:01
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_4.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
sub_4 PID: 7044 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:01
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_5.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
pub_5 PID: 7092 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:01
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_5.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
sub_5 PID: 5132 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:01
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_6.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
pub_6 PID: 4408 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:01
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_6.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
sub_6 PID: 2360 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:01
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_7.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
pub_7 PID: 1712 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:01
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_7.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
sub_7 PID: 5184 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:01
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_8.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
pub_8 PID: 4404 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:01
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_8.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
sub_8 PID: 5448 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:01
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_9.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
pub_9 PID: 4996 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:01
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_9.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
sub_9 PID: 4428 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:01
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_10.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
pub_10 PID: 3752 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:01
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_10.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc.ini
sub_10 PID: 6868 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:01
Subscriber 7044 got new message data:
- From : 3008
- Count : 1
Subscriber 2644 got new message data:
- From : 3008
- Count : 1
Subscriber 5132 got new message data:
- From : 3008
- Count : 1
Subscriber 7044 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 2644 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 5132 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 2052 got new message data:
- From : 1332
- Count : 1
Subscriber 5548 got new message data:
- From : 1332
- Count : 1
Subscriber 2052 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 5548 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6868 got new message data:
- From : 2428
- Count : 1
Subscriber 6868 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 5448 got new message data:
- From : 4408
- Count : 1
Subscriber 5184 got new message data:
- From : 4408
- Count : 1
Subscriber 2360 got new message data:
- From : 4408
- Count : 1
Subscriber 5448 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 4428 got new message data:
- From : 4408
- Count : 1
Subscriber 4428 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 2360 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 5184 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 3008 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 1332 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 4360 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 2428 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 4408 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 7092 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 4404 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 1712 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 3752 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 4996 is done. Exiting.
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/EntityLifecycleStress/run_test.pl large_samples rtps_disc publishers 10 subscribers 10 Time:12s Result:0
tests/DCPS/EntityLifecycleStress/run_test.pl large_samples rtps_disc_tcp publishers 10 subscribers 10
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_1.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
pub_1 PID: 3980 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:12
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_1.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
sub_1 PID: 1156 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:12
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_2.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
pub_2 PID: 5292 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:12
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_2.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
sub_2 PID: 3976 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:12
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_3.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
pub_3 PID: 2316 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:12
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_3.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
sub_3 PID: 4016 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:12
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_4.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
pub_4 PID: 5336 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:12
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_4.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
sub_4 PID: 6956 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:12
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_5.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
pub_5 PID: 3584 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:12
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_5.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
sub_5 PID: 2412 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:12
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_6.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
pub_6 PID: 3796 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:12
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_6.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
sub_6 PID: 6884 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:12
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_7.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
pub_7 PID: 6180 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:12
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_7.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
sub_7 PID: 1488 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:12
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_8.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
pub_8 PID: 2928 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:12
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_8.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
sub_8 PID: 5700 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:12
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_9.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
pub_9 PID: 6860 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:12
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_9.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
sub_9 PID: 4868 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:12
.\.\\publisher.EXE -l -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile pub_10.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
pub_10 PID: 6720 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:12
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSPendingTimeout 3 -ORBLogFile sub_10.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps_disc_tcp.ini
sub_10 PID: 1984 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:12
Subscriber 4016 got new message data:
- From : 5292
- Count : 1
Subscriber 6956 got new message data:
- From : 5292
- Count : 1
Subscriber 1156 got new message data:
- From : 5292
- Count : 1
Subscriber 4016 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6956 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 3976 got new message data:
- From : 5292
- Count : 1
Subscriber 1156 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 3976 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 6884 got new message data:
- From : 5292
- Count : 1
Subscriber 6884 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 2412 got new message data:
- From : 5292
- Count : 1
Subscriber 2412 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 5700 got new message data:
- From : 5292
- Count : 1
Subscriber 4868 got new message data:
- From : 5292
- Count : 1
Subscriber 5700 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 4868 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 1984 got new message data:
- From : 5292
- Count : 1
Subscriber 1984 is done. Exiting.
Subscriber 1488 got new message data:
- From : 5292
- Count : 1
Subscriber 1488 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 2316 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 5292 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 5336 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 3980 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 3796 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 3584 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 2928 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 6860 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 6180 is done. Exiting.
Publisher 6720 is done. Exiting.
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/EntityLifecycleStress/run_test.pl large_samples rtps_disc_tcp publishers 10 subscribers 10 Time:25s Result:0
tests/DCPS/Instances/run_test.pl single_instance single_datawriter keyed
C:\OpenDDS\bin\.\\DCPSInfoRepo.EXE -NOBITS -o repo.ior -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
InfoRepo PID: 3012
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSBit 0 -DCPSDebugLevel 0 -keyed_data 1 -num_writers 1 -history_depth 100 -num_threads_to_write 5 -multiple_instances 0 -num_writes_per_thread 2 -max_samples_per_instance 12345678 -write_delay_msec 0 -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
pub PID: 4392 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:37
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSBit 0 -DCPSDebugLevel 0 -keyed_data 1 -num_writes 10 -receive_delay_msec 0 -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
sub PID: 1108 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:37
(4392|2420) INFO: set_DCPS_debug_level: set to 0
(4392|2420) INFO: ConfigStoreImpl::set_string: COMMON_DCPS_PENDING_TIMEOUT=3
(4392|2420) Service_Participant::get_domain_participant_factory: This is OpenDDS 3.32.0-dev using ACE 6.5.21
(4392|2420) Service_Participant::get_domain_participant_factory: log_level: debug DCPS_debug_level: 0
(4392|2420) Service_Participant::get_domain_participant_factory: machine: fv-az653-316, Intel 25 platform: Win32, Windows NT 6.2, Build 9200
(4392|2420) Service_Participant::get_domain_participant_factory: compiler: Visual C++ version 13.43.0
Options::parse with Arguments
(4392|2420) Options::parse skipping value=.\.\\publisher.EXE not paired with flag
(4392|2420) parsed:
(4392|2420) data_dropped=0 (type=long)
(4392|2420) history_depth=100 (type=long)
(4392|2420) keyed_data=1 (type=bool)
(4392|2420) max_samples_per_instance=12345678 (type=long)
(4392|2420) multiple_instances=0 (type=bool)
(4392|2420) num_threads_to_write=5 (type=long)
(4392|2420) num_writers=1 (type=long)
(4392|2420) num_writes_per_thread=2 (type=long)
(4392|2420) write_delay_msec=0 (type=long)
(1108|3400) INFO: set_DCPS_debug_level: set to 0
(1108|3400) INFO: ConfigStoreImpl::set_string: COMMON_DCPS_PENDING_TIMEOUT=3
(1108|3400) Service_Participant::get_domain_participant_factory: This is OpenDDS 3.32.0-dev using ACE 6.5.21
(1108|3400) Service_Participant::get_domain_participant_factory: log_level: debug DCPS_debug_level: 0
(1108|3400) Service_Participant::get_domain_participant_factory: machine: fv-az653-316, Intel 25 platform: Win32, Windows NT 6.2, Build 9200
(1108|3400) Service_Participant::get_domain_participant_factory: compiler: Visual C++ version 13.43.0
Options::parse with Arguments
(1108|3400) Options::parse skipping value=.\.\\subscriber.EXE not paired with flag
(1108|3400) parsed:
(1108|3400) keyed_data=1 (type=bool)
(1108|3400) num_writes=10 (type=long)
(1108|3400) receive_delay_msec=0 (type=long)
(1108|3400) verbose=true (type=bool)
(4392|2420) Writer::Writer
(1108|6040) ListenerRecorder::on_sample: Received message #1
(1108|6040) ListenerRecorder::on_sample: Received message #2
(1108|6040) ListenerRecorder::on_sample: Received message #3
(1108|6040) ListenerRecorder::on_sample: Received message #4
(1108|6040) ListenerRecorder::on_sample: Received message #5
(1108|6040) ListenerRecorder::on_sample: Received message #6
(1108|6040) ListenerRecorder::on_sample: Received message #7
(1108|6040) ListenerRecorder::on_sample: Received message #8
(1108|6040) ListenerRecorder::on_sample: Received message #9
(1108|6040) ListenerRecorder::on_sample: Received message #10
(4392|2420) Pub DDSApp going out of scope (shutdown)
(4392|2420) Pub returning status=0
(1108|3400) Sub DDSApp going out of scope (shutdown)
(1108|3400) Sub returning status=0
INFO: C:\OpenDDS\bin\DCPSInfoRepo being killed.
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/Instances/run_test.pl single_instance single_datawriter keyed Time:14s Result:0
tests/DCPS/Instances/run_test.pl single_instance single_datawriter nokey
C:\OpenDDS\bin\.\\DCPSInfoRepo.EXE -NOBITS -o repo.ior -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
InfoRepo PID: 3208
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSBit 0 -DCPSDebugLevel 0 -keyed_data 0 -num_writers 1 -history_depth 100 -num_threads_to_write 5 -multiple_instances 0 -num_writes_per_thread 2 -max_samples_per_instance 12345678 -write_delay_msec 0 -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
pub PID: 2164 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:52
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSBit 0 -DCPSDebugLevel 0 -keyed_data 0 -num_writes 10 -receive_delay_msec 0 -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
sub PID: 2720 started at 2025-03-13 22:52:52
(2164|2976) INFO: set_DCPS_debug_level: set to 0
(2164|2976) INFO: ConfigStoreImpl::set_string: COMMON_DCPS_PENDING_TIMEOUT=3
(2164|2976) Service_Participant::get_domain_participant_factory: This is OpenDDS 3.32.0-dev using ACE 6.5.21
(2164|2976) Service_Participant::get_domain_participant_factory: log_level: debug DCPS_debug_level: 0
(2164|2976) Service_Participant::get_domain_participant_factory: machine: fv-az653-316, Intel 25 platform: Win32, Windows NT 6.2, Build 9200
(2164|2976) Service_Participant::get_domain_participant_factory: compiler: Visual C++ version 13.43.0
Options::parse with Arguments
(2164|2976) Options::parse skipping value=.\.\\publisher.EXE not paired with flag
(2164|2976) parsed:
(2164|2976) data_dropped=0 (type=long)
(2164|2976) history_depth=100 (type=long)
(2164|2976) keyed_data=0 (type=bool)
(2164|2976) max_samples_per_instance=12345678 (type=long)
(2164|2976) multiple_instances=0 (type=bool)
(2164|2976) num_threads_to_write=5 (type=long)
(2164|2976) num_writers=1 (type=long)
(2164|2976) num_writes_per_thread=2 (type=long)
(2164|2976) write_delay_msec=0 (type=long)
(2720|4312) INFO: set_DCPS_debug_level: set to 0
(2720|4312) INFO: ConfigStoreImpl::set_string: COMMON_DCPS_PENDING_TIMEOUT=3
(2720|4312) Service_Participant::get_domain_participant_factory: This is OpenDDS 3.32.0-dev using ACE 6.5.21
(2720|4312) Service_Participant::get_domain_participant_factory: log_level: debug DCPS_debug_level: 0
(2720|4312) Service_Participant::get_domain_participant_factory: machine: fv-az653-316, Intel 25 platform: Win32, Windows NT 6.2, Build 9200
(2720|4312) Service_Participant::get_domain_participant_factory: compiler: Visual C++ version 13.43.0
Options::parse with Arguments
(2720|4312) Options::parse skipping value=.\.\\subscriber.EXE not paired with flag
(2720|4312) parsed:
(2720|4312) keyed_data=0 (type=bool)
(2720|4312) num_writes=10 (type=long)
(2720|4312) receive_delay_msec=0 (type=long)
(2720|4312) verbose=true (type=bool)
(2164|2976) Writer::Writer
(2720|5528) ListenerRecorder::on_sample: Received message #1
(2720|5528) ListenerRecorder::on_sample: Received message #2
(2720|5528) ListenerRecorder::on_sample: Received message #3
(2720|5528) ListenerRecorder::on_sample: Received message #4
(2720|5528) ListenerRecorder::on_sample: Received message #5
(2720|5528) ListenerRecorder::on_sample: Received message #6
(2720|5528) ListenerRecorder::on_sample: Received message #7
(2720|5528) ListenerRecorder::on_sample: Received message #8
(2720|5528) ListenerRecorder::on_sample: Received message #9
(2720|5528) ListenerRecorder::on_sample: Received message #10
(2164|2976) Pub DDSApp going out of scope (shutdown)
(2164|2976) Pub returning status=0
(2720|4312) Sub DDSApp going out of scope (shutdown)
(2720|4312) Sub returning status=0
INFO: C:\OpenDDS\bin\DCPSInfoRepo being killed.
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/Instances/run_test.pl single_instance single_datawriter nokey Time:15s Result:0
tests/DCPS/FlexibleTS/run_test.pl rtps
OldDevice\.\\OldDevice.EXE -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile old.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
old PID: 6192 started at 2025-03-13 22:53:06
NewDevice\.\\NewDevice.EXE -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile new.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
new PID: 1508 started at 2025-03-13 22:53:06
Controller\.\\Controller.EXE -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile ctrl.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
ctrl PID: 4800 started at 2025-03-13 22:53:06
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/FlexibleTS/run_test.pl rtps Time:5s Result:0
C:\OpenDDS\bin\.\\DCPSInfoRepo.EXE -o repo.ior -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
InfoRepo PID: 2504
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile publisher.log -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
publisher PID: 6644 started at 2025-03-13 22:53:11
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile subscriber.log -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
subscriber PID: 4512 started at 2025-03-13 22:53:11
INFO: C:\OpenDDS\bin\DCPSInfoRepo being killed.
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/HelloWorld/run_test.pl Time:30s Result:0
tests/DCPS/HelloWorld/run_test.pl ini=rtps.ini
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile publisher.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
publisher PID: 6700 started at 2025-03-13 22:53:41
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile subscriber.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
subscriber PID: 4892 started at 2025-03-13 22:53:41
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/HelloWorld/run_test.pl ini=rtps.ini Time:2s Result:0
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSDebugLevel 4 -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile publisher.log -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
publisher PID: 1552 started at 2025-03-13 22:53:43
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSDebugLevel 4 -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile subscriber.log -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
subscriber PID: 7008 started at 2025-03-13 22:53:43
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/ZeroEnum/run_test.pl Time:2s Result:0
tests/DCPS/DynamicData/run_test.pl dyn=dw ini=rtps.ini
.\.\\publisher.EXE -dynamic -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile publisher.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
publisher PID: 1688 started at 2025-03-13 22:53:46
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile subscriber.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
subscriber PID: 2644 started at 2025-03-13 22:53:46
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/DynamicData/run_test.pl dyn=dw ini=rtps.ini Time:3s Result:0
tests/DCPS/DynamicData/run_test.pl dyn=dr ini=rtps.ini
.\.\\publisher.EXE -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile publisher.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
publisher PID: 6056 started at 2025-03-13 22:53:48
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -dynamic -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile subscriber.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
subscriber PID: 2536 started at 2025-03-13 22:53:48
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/DynamicData/run_test.pl dyn=dr ini=rtps.ini Time:2s Result:0
tests/DCPS/DynamicData/run_test.pl dyn=dw ini=rtps.ini adapt
.\.\\publisher.EXE -dynamic -adapter -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile publisher.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
publisher PID: 2112 started at 2025-03-13 22:53:50
.\.\\subscriber.EXE -DCPSDebugLevel 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile subscriber.log -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
subscriber PID: 4856 started at 2025-03-13 22:53:50
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/DynamicData/run_test.pl dyn=dw ini=rtps.ini adapt Time:2s Result:0
.\.\\origin.EXE -DCPSDebugLevel 4 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile origin.log -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
origin PID: 2220 started at 2025-03-13 22:53:53
.\.\\responder.EXE -DCPSDebugLevel 4 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 -ORBLogFile responder.log -DCPSPendingTimeout 3
responder PID: 2168 started at 2025-03-13 22:53:53
test PASSED.
auto_run_tests_finished: tests/DCPS/DynamicResponse/run_test.pl Time:6s Result:0
Thu Mar 13 22:53:58 2025 UTC